Thursday, January 24, 2013


Yesterday I was talking to a friend and she asked what I intended to do that day and I replied, "Oh, nothing much. Just spending some time in the library. It's a pretty normal day."

Things I had just labelled normal with that sentence:
- Working in the Radcliffe Camera - an iconic building in the University of Oxford

- The fact that I probably ran into people of four or five nationalities that day. Probably more, if you include people I didn't speak to or hear talking. Many people I run into here are not British, which is just a tad different from George Fox.
- The cars are all on the left side of the road
- I understand Celius without having to math in my head everytime
- I successfully found my way to and from my home, the library, and the exam schools
- Within the library I can find almost any book I need without too much confusion
- Tea, tea, and more tea.

All of these are things that I would have taken note of just a week ago, now they are "normal," whatever that means. Guess I must be settling in ok. Fancy that!

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