Sunday, January 20, 2013


Being in a new country means being an idiot. This week I have:

- Pulled on push doors and walked away deciding they were locked
- Slept through my alarm
- Started going up a street, only to realize I was headed the wrong way
- Ran my knee into a pole while on my bike (luckily not hurting my bike)
- Introduced myself to people who don't actually go to the college/church I am attending. It's awkward.
- Taken forever at the grocercy store because I have no idea what to buy, then hold people up as I attempt to use self-check out
- Almost stepped on a bird, then informed it of its impoliteness (though... I guess this is my normal behavior)

Those are just a few stories from the last few days. While its depressing to constantly be feeling a little out of place, I'm learning to laugh at myself and that is a wonderfully good thing.

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