Saturday, March 1, 2014

Montana Adventures

As I'm sure most of you know, I am not accident prone. Sure, I trip on things, I lose things for brief periods of time, and can be very scatter-brained, but in the long run I tend to be cautious and safe. No getting hurt or taking risks and keeping pretty good track of my necessities (glasses, wallet, coat, etc.).

So, here's what happened in the past four weeks:

Week 1: I put my glasses down next to me on my bed as I read, and managed to kneel on them when I got up. They broke exactly in half, as you can see in the picture. And now, since my prescription is outdated, I need to go to an eye doctor before I can order new ones online. Yes, I can see and function without them, but then again, it's pretty annoying.

Week 2: We go skiing, which was a lot of fun, and I didn't even fall. Until walking down the icey steps outside the lodge area as we got ready to go home. My bruise from that fall was nice and round, about 2 inches across. Ouch.

Week 3: Finally given an opportunity to get my glasses fixed, one of the staff members took the big 12-seater van out on a Costco run to Missoula (about an hour and a half away, just for reference). I tagged along and made an eye appointment and everything. Unfortunately, didn't end up at that eye appointment because the we spun out on the freeway while trying to avoid a jack-knifed semi. I went through the window and had to go to the ER because I hit my head a little. One CAT scan and lots of slightly amazed nurses later, we were off to Costco, but not early enough to get my eyes checked. Seatbelts kids! We love them.

Week 4: This weekend has thus far been relatively boring. Well, all of the staff who live in town had to spend the night on the ranch because they couldn't leave, meaning we missed the Marti Gras party. Even in all of this boringness, I managed to slam my finger between two pieces of wood, giving me a slightly black fingernail and a very sore fingertip. That'll make typing on Monday great good fun.

So, those are my adventures. There have been lots of good ones too - trivia nights in town, discovering the first type of beer that I actually like, getting more tipsy than I've ever been, feeding horses, relearning to ski, playing Risk, and watching all of the Olympics. I've made good friends and learned a lot from my work (my supervisor is amazing!). Still, interesting all of the random things that can happen, isn't it?