Friday, January 11, 2013

English Joys

Some things I'm loving about England:

- I can bike everywhere. Now, I haven't had to bike in the rain yet, but it is nice to be powered by my feet. Besides being fit, it is better for the environment and allows me to have greater independence.
- Chocolate! The milk chocolate here is soooo much better than chocolate in the states. I haven't tried dark yet, but seriously guys. Yum.
- Oddly enough, the lack of friendliness. I've never been one to be overly enthusiastic in talking to strangers and the British are happy to leave me to myself. However, the people I have encountered in shops and even just on the road have been polite and happy to help. It's a nice combination for me.
- Tiny cars. Trucks have always felt rather wasteful to me, except in certain circumstances. Most people around here have nice, small cars that look as if they are nice to the environment.
- Accessibility of fair trade and local food. It is a stuggle to find either of these in the states, but Britain makes a point about it. These things are clearly important to the people here and the stores reflect that.
- Tea! Enough said.

So those are just a few aspects of English life I am particularly enjoying at the moment. Part of me hopes I never have to leave. This will inevitably change from day to day, but for now, I am content.

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