Friday, August 16, 2013

Learning to Laugh

Always be willing to laugh at yourself.

It's advice I've always heard, but never put into practice. Criticism has mostly seemed to need more respect than simple laughter - even joking. So when someone tries to tease me about one of my flaws, I don't tease back. Instead I go into a spiral of sad self-doubt and insecurity, because all shortcomings must be fixed.

However, the other day my boyfriend was teasing me about something, and I choose to laugh instead of spin off into a puddle of sad. It made so much difference. Now, this is a joke instead of something to be gulity about. Something we can talk together about instead of me attempting to hide. And something I can monitor and fix with his support instead of me working alone. What a wonderful feeling!

There are definitely times when I need to seriously consider my failures, but other times, laughter is the best way to go. Interesting life lesson for me.