Sunday, September 21, 2014


Though I've never spent much time in one, I've always hated hospitals. Yes, lots of healing happens, but so does so much hurting and death. Also, with the cost of medical care, it feels like a place of hopelessness. Passing by an office for a financial counselor right near the front desk is never an encouraging sign. No one should need to worry about the costs of their treatment. Yes, it's a reality here, but still, health is not something we have complete control over and no one should be punished for what their body and/or environment has done to them.

Mini (and very simplified) rant aside, this week my grandfather was hospitalized for the first time since my mom's parents mover up here about two years ago. This is a miracle, in my opinion, considering the state of his health, but this first stay is still stressful on everyone. Meeting new doctors, a new facility, and a new building is taking it's toll on all of us, though mostly Mom.

As they settle in though, I get this feeling of safety and security. Part of it is that my grandparents have money and insurance. Not an endless supply of course, but enough to not need to worry about a short stay. More importantly, while he's there nurses and doctors are on call to deal with any medical issues. My grandmother doesn't have to worry about new symptoms or about his weakness. If he fell, there is someone there to help him. If he starts having a coughing fit, a nurse will be in to give him oxygen.

As Grandpa gets ready to go home, there's a part of me that's worried about him leaving. He will be so much happier outside of the hospital, but still, what if something goes wrong? Will he be ok? I don't know. I can't know.

So, there isn't much of a point to this - just something I've been thinking about. I guess I just wanted to remind myself (and anyone who reads this) that all places and people seem to have two sides to them. Hospitals are a particularly stark example, but even then I was oblivious to that. Maybe I should look harder in the future.

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