Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Double-Digging and Zai Holes

Every week we have two workshops teaching us the practical part of sustainable development. In this case, double-digging and zai holes. Sounds thrilling, eh? Actually, these techniques are pretty cool because they help rejuvenate tired soil as well as increasing crop yields. This is wonderful for farmers with very little land or who have been growing cash crops without resting their soil. Great stuff. Very easy and effective - really the main idea is to add compost for nutrients and then learn how to apply the compost correctly.

Learning how to double dig an existing raised bed. Basically you loosen the soil and add compost. 
Digging a Zai Hole - 2' by 2' by 2'. We filled it in with layers with fresh manure, compost, dirt, and dry materials. This nutrient rich and light soil can increase yields by 3-4 times the normal compost and dirt in the double-dug beds. It's a bit more work, but it wonderful for wakening up tired land.
Plants! We put some baby zucchini in our hole. Hopefully they will do well. I like zucchini. 

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